Friday, October 5, 2007

the clouds of rain have come over campus to pour out their tears

i found out today that i am going to be missing what may have been the best concert of my life: the classic crime acoustic set, playing with tysen and moneta at the showbox. unfortunately, it is on november 3rd, just one week after i am home for fall break. what are the odds? i am horribly disappointed that i am going to miss this concert, but hopefully tcc will go on tour after the seattle show and come to spokane.

i realized today that i am going to have to buy all of my christmas presents in the two weeks right before christmas...which is basically insanity.

i found out today that the girl in charge of campus activities (who i have been emailing like to crazy to try and get some of my favorite seattle bands to come) is very interested in having Barcelona come play, and said she's talking with their manager right now! i am so frickn happy right now. like literally, you don't know how excited this makes me. i don't even know if it's for sure, or when, but just the prospect of them playing here is making me all giddy inside. i haven't seen any of my seattle bands in well over a month, which is a very long time to be deprived.

i have a ridiculous amount of reading to do right now. for each book (of the five...ugh) i made a little reading schedule of how far i need to get each day. this almost stresses me out more than it helps me because i never stick to the schedule...then i end up having to read like 100 pages in each book the day before i'm supposed to have it done. i'm not gonna lie, my c.s. lewis class basically ruins my weekends. we have to write responses to our readings by sunday night at 5...which basically means i have to spend the entire weekend reading the one and a half books that i get assigned each week. not to mention all the other reading and homework i have for my other classes.

i am leaving in about an hour to get my hair dye from target (in addition to getting some much needed grocery shopping done). i must say that i am really ready for a change. i have never dyed my hair before, and i am so ready to be done with this icky mousy brown color. i am also really nervous though....i have never done it before and i don't want it to look bad. ugh...hopefully it will be okay.

it started out sunny today, but now the clouds of rain have come over campus to pour out their tears. it's been so cold that i have already started wearing my coat that i bought for the below zero weather...oops. i have a feeling i am going to have to wear five layers once the snow comes. i am not looking forward to that day, because once it comes, it doesn't leave for months. i don't know why i wanted to come here to go to school.

so remember how i told you a few days ago that my plant died? well i'm pretty sure it's sitting on my shelf like a rotting body that hasn't been disposed of. don't worry, it doesn't smell like a decomposing body smells though. although, i'm pretty sure our milk went bad a week ago and we haven't thrown in out yet. maybe that's the weird smell in my room right now...

it was homecoming week this week. kinda lame and no one really cares about it. plus we don't even have a dance (not that i'd go any way....considering i hate dancing), we just have a fancy banquet. our homecoming football game is tomorrow and i'm pretty pumped. the one football game i have gone to is the only one we've lost all season. go figure! i'm hoping we win...but we are playing an undefeated i doubt it.

not next weekend but the weekend after that is parents weekend, which i am super pumped for. not just to see my parents, but also my bugsy!! i am going to parade around campus with him showing him off cause he's so cute. i have told so many people that my parents are bringing him and everyone is so excited to see him. then the next weekend is fall break, so i get to go home for a few days! i can't wait to sleep in my big bed, get homecooked meals, and see mooky and my little kitten. i am so pumped. then the next weekend, me and rebecca's small group leader is coming to visit, and i can't wait to see her.

the next few weeks are going to be amazing (despite the fact that i'm missing the greatest concert of my life). and i'm actually having a pretty good day today. i'm actually kind of...happy. i haven't just been happy for no reason in a while. it's a good feeling.

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