Sunday, October 14, 2007

i like it and that's all that matters, right?

i did my first radio show last night. it ended up being a lot of fun, and i can't wait to do it every week. i was really nervous i was going to mess up, but we only messed up once, and it was mostly brandon'd fault...haha. we accidentally played the same song almost in a row, and then there was silence for like ten seconds cause we couldn't figure out how to get the next song to play right away. but other than that, it turned out really well. and we decided that we aren't going to script it next time, because it was way more fun to just talk without having it all really planned out.

it's fall preview this weekend and it's really weird. it's crazy to think that just a year ago, me and rebecca were those little high school seniors walking around campus, nervously clutching our free whitworth folders with our quite obvious name tags pinned to our shirts. i can't believe that was only a year ago. it makes me really happy to see them all walking around, taking tours, because that was me last year! i want all of them to love it here, because i love it here. my experience last year with my overnight host was not very good, so i promised myself that if i attended whitworth the next year, i would host someone and make sure they have an amazing time, so i am! i signed up a couple days ago and some girl named brynn is going to be staying with me and rebecca tonight. i'm really happy, and i am going to be the best host i can be.

so i dyed my hair again on friday. this time i dyed it 'soft black' because apparently the deep brown isn't dark enough. my hair is definitely darker now, but it doesn't look black in person. i took some pictures to put on my facebook and myspace, and with the flash, it actually looks's kinda scary, but don't worry, it doesn't look like that in real life. i am much happier with this color though because i needed something drastic. i was just so tired of that mousy brown color. it wasn't really blonde, and it wasn't really brown, it was just icky. it's weird though because not very many people have noticed it...or at least they haven't said anything. oh well, i like it and that's all that matters, right?

i decided a couple days ago that i am chaning my major...already. i honestly hate my painting class/professor and i just don't think that with the amount of hate i have for it, that i can continue to be an art major. the thing is, i want to do graphic design, but it doesn't require any classes that will give me a practical application for the graphic design, it just shows me how to do it. plus, i would have to take all sorts of nasty art history classes, which i definitely don't want to do.

the more i think about my life and what i want to do, i really would love to be in the music would be my dream job to work for a record label, doing promoting, designing websites, merchandise, cd covers, posters, and things like that. having gone to so many concerts in the lat couple years, it has become a major part of my life, something i can't, and don't want to live without. music is something that everyone loves, at least some sort of can connect you with people you never would have known. so...because of this, i am considering majoring in marketing with a minor in visual communications. if they had a major for visual communications, i would totally do that. it is way more what i want to do than graphic design. you still take photoshop, design, web design, photography, and other classes that i wanted to take, but it is more focused on the business aspect of it than the art aspect. and even though marketing will be a lot of business type classes, at least it is something i will still enjoy, and it has a ton of practical applications once i graduate.

i have to go get ready to meet my pre-frosh! yay!

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