Saturday, September 22, 2007

why is everything better in seattle?

my shower was the coldest it's ever been today. i stood towards the side waiting, praying to God for it to get at least sort of warm. it never did, so i took a cold shower. it was miserable. there hasn't been one day since school started that i have had a hot shower. if anything, they get to be luke warm.

i woke up at 12:33 this morning, or afternoon i guess i should say. i woke up and when i looked at the clock i thought it said 2:33. i almost freaked out a little. it felt so good to finally get some rest, to finally get more than 5-7 hours of sleep in one night. it felt weird.

it also felt weird to wake up without someone else in the room, to get ready without someone else in the room.

i started my next painting today, and i can say that i definitely like it better than the last one that i did. although, i'm not sure that what i'm doing is allowed or what we're supposed to be doing, but i like it. my other painting is hanging on the wall in the fine arts building next to the rest of the class's. every time i walk in the building i have to look at it. i hate it so much.

there was salmon for dinner tonight. of course, it was nothing like seattle salmon, but it wasn't horrible. why is everything better in seattle? especially the coffee. i have been so spoiled with starbucks that the coffee in our cafe just doesn't compare.

i have too many things on my walls that make me sad. maybe i should just live cornered by white, like a jail cell, so i can forget everything else. so i can forget about home, forget about family, forget about my pets, forget about the bands that i can't go see any more. i wish i could just forget it all for the rest of the school year, then magically remember when i can go back home in the summer and live it all again. i miss things and people that i didn't even like very much, just because they represent home.

i hate not having anything to say. today was so boring. i just wasted the day away, oh and apparently i missed the best whitworth football game people have ever seen. wonderful. i wish i could go home for a weekend. i really just want to get away from here for a little while. at least if i had a car, i could get off campus more, but i don't want to take the bus once it gets dark any more. or i could drive home for the weekend, but it's too expensive to fly home for a regular weekend. sigh. i need to finish reading the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. sweet dreams.

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